Fall TV Picks

Fall TV Picks

I watch too much TV.

Seriously. It’s to the point where I have to write in my planner what I intend to watch and when. But it isn’t my fault! There are too many good TV shows out there these days. Here’s my roundup of the ones I’ve been enjoying most this premiere season. Read more!

Wild for Washi


I purchased an Erin Condren Life Planner back in April. As it turns out, this was a terrible time to pick one up because I had a pretty uneventful summer aside from blogging and YouTube. With few appointments to keep up with, no due dates looming overhead, I did not make the most of my ECLP.

September’s come (and almost gone!) and I’ve been determined to turn that around. Inspired by the #plannerenthusiast tag on Instagram, I’ve slowly started collecting washi tape and printable sticker files to print on label paper…all this in hopes of encouraging myself to use my planner. (It’s working!) Read more!

Book Review: A Storm of Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire Book 3)

A Storm of Swords Audiobook on iPhone 5 read by Roy Dotrice

There’s a joke on the interwebs that goes like this: George R.R. Martin, Joss Whedon, and Stephen Moffat walk into a bar. Every character you ever loved dies.

After reading A Storm of Swords, I can confirm this to be true; however, some characters that you absolutely despise also die. It’s a storm of double-edged swords, one might say. Ha. Ha.

I can honestly say that I found this book to be the most exciting and interesting one so far simply because of the body count. It sounds morbid, but so many characters are dead, which really adds excitement and tragedy and satisfaction (in some cases) to the book. I seriously couldn’t put this book down…figuratively speaking.

I say figuratively because I didn’t read a physical copy of this book; rather, Roy Dotrice read it to me. I got into audiobooks about a year ago after lamenting that I never feel like sitting down to read a for-fun book because I do so much reading for school. My solution was to start downloading audiobooks and listen to them whenever I got the chance: on the bus, while walking to class, while painting my nails, on the way to get groceries, anywhere.

The result has been highly entertaining. I’ve found myself with my mouth open in shock at the grocery store, crying on the bus, laughing to myself while trying to push through a crowd on the way to class. I’m sure people think I’m crazy, but this system works for me and I’ve probably consumed 5+ books this way, so I don’t care.

That being said, thar be spoilers ahead. If you haven’t read A Storm of Swords or you’re currently watching the Game of Thrones TV series, you’re going to not want to read on. If you’ve read it or don’t intend to, read on!

My 2013 Non-Beauty/Geeky Favourites!

This was a great year to be alive in the geekosphere, friends. I read lots, watched lots, and fangirled lots. So without further delay, let’s hop to it!

  • Favourite book: 2013 was an excellent reading year for me, so it’s hard for me to pick just one book. I adored Neil Gaiman’s American Gods, as I’ve said before. I also started the Song of Ice and Fire series, which I would recommend to anyone who likes scifi-fantasy-Tolkienian books. Read more!
  • Why I Stopped Watching Doctor Who (DW & some Torchwood spoilers ahead!)

    This image is not mine. It is 600% owned by BBC.

    In a grand return to geekiness after an exam-related TV-watching hiatus, I’ve decided to write up a post I’ve been itching to do for some time now.

    Anyone who knows me knows that I went through a serious Doctor Who phase the summer before last. I watched all seven of the seasons that were out at the time. Shortly after that, I watched Torchwood, too. And then I started doodling TARDII (my preferred pluralization of TARDIS) everywhere, cosplayed Martha Jones in a group cosplay at FanExpo, etc.

    However, around the time the Ponds left, I realized I had started to force myself to tune in every week. That one episode where the universe like exploded and then they pressed the Giant Reset Button? Yes, that confused and angered me. I don’t think I’ve seen a single Clara episode aside from last year’s Christmas special, I’m not keen on watching this year’s, and I didn’t watch the 50th Anniversary Special. So I’m starting to think this viewer’s feelings about the show — dislikey feelings — have grown strong enough that she ought to acknowledge them. Read more!

    Book Recommendations and Non-Recommendations!

    I really enjoy reading. However, as a university student, I’m constantly obliged to read things that I wouldn’t necessarily choose on my own. This means I’m usually drowning in reading materials to the point that where I do sit down to read, it isn’t usually for fun.

    I’ve developed some ways to get around this.

    Continue reading…